Ankle Pain &
There are several ankle conditions that individuals can experience, ranging from minor issues to more severe injuries or chronic conditions. Ankle instability refers to a condition in which the ligaments and other supporting structures around the ankle are not able to provide adequate stability to the joint. This can result in recurrent episodes of the ankle "giving way" or feeling unstable, especially during activities that involve weight-bearing, walking, or sports.
The list below just some of the conditions and obtaining a correct diagnosis the required for success.
Ankle Sprains ( Acute & Chronic )
Ankle Strains
Osteochondral Lesions (OCD)
Ankle Fractures
RA Ankles
Gout of Ankle
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Peroneal Tendonitis
Ankle Impingement
Posterior Tibial Dysfunction
Synovitis of the Ankle
Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability
Chronic Medial Ankle Instability
Deltoid Injuries
Os trigonum syndrome
Peroneal Tears/ Ruptures
Nerve Impingement
Tibial Tendon Tear/ Rupture
Sinus Tarsi Syndrome
Synovitis of the Ankle
Syndesmotic injuries
Ankle Equinus
Syndesmotic injuries

Office Treatment
Boot or Brace Therapy
Casting or Splinting
Injection Therapy
PRP ( Platelet Richie Plasma )
Supartz FX
Arizona Brace
Shockwave Therapy
Richie Brace
Custom Ankle Foot Orthosis
Surgical Treatments
Lateral Ligament Reconstruction- Chronic ankle instability
Ankle & Subtalar Joint Arthroscopy
Peroneal and Posterior Tibial Tendon
Os trigonum removal
OCD repair with microfracture
Application of Ankle Allograft Cartilage ​
Ankle Fusion
Deltoid repair
Removal Anterior Ankle Bone Spurs
Removal of Soft Tissue Mass
Removal of Gouty Tophi