Flat feet, also known as fallen arches or pes planus, is a condition where the arches of the feet are significantly flattened, causing the entire sole of the foot to come into contact with the ground when standing. While flat feet are normal in infants and toddlers, some individuals continue to have flat feet into adulthood. Flat feet can be flexible (the arches appear when the person is not bearing weight) or rigid (the arches are absent both when bearing weight and not).
Flat feet themselves are not always problematic and can be asymptomatic. However, in some cases, flat feet can lead to certain issues and discomfort.

Conditions Seen with Flatfeet
Plantar Fasciitis
Achilles Tendon Issues
Decreased Shock Absorption
Reduced Stability
Shin Splints
Foot Deformities
Office Treatment we offer
3D Custom Made Orthotics
Specialty Braces
Custom Braces ( Arizona / Richie Brace )​

Surgical Treatments
Flatfoot surgery aims to correct the structural abnormalities in the feet associated with flat feet (pes planus). The surgical approach can vary depending on the specific type of flatfoot deformity, the severity of symptoms, the individual's age, and their overall health.
There are different surgical techniques used to address flatfoot deformities. Some of the common procedures include:
Tendon Lengthening or Transfer: In some cases of flatfoot caused by overactive or tight tendons that require lengthen or transfer of the tendons to help restore proper alignment and arch height. Osteotomies involve cutting and repositioning bones to improve alignment and arch height. Different types of osteotomies can be performed, depending on which bones need adjustment. Arthrodesis (Fusion) is where joints in the foot are significantly damaged, choosing to fuse bones together to create a more stable arch.
Ligament and soft tissue repair or reconstruction can be performed to address instability and support the arch.
Nevertheless a complete assessment of each case is required and the specific surgical approach is determined by factors such as the patient's age, overall health, the nature of the flatfoot deformity, and the Dr Martins experience. Recovery from flatfoot surgery can vary, but it typically involves a period of immobilization, followed by physical therapy to restore strength and flexibility to the foot.
To discuss further your case schedule a online or virtual appointment today